We didn't see that one coming...

If you’ve lived here in Texas for any amount of time, chances are that you’ve heard the saying “If you don’t like the weather here, give it a minute and it will change”. The weather here in Central Texas certainly has thrown everyone for a loop and caught many off-guard.

In February, we saw our coldest weather ever. We experienced 164 straight hours of below-freezing temperatures, saw record snowfall in the Austin area, and the financial losses that came with this winter storm were staggering. Many of us expected the cold air and the chance of snow, so we took our cues from our local weather forecasters who reminded us to cover exposed plants and pipes, and bring in our pets - and we did. What we didn’t expect was the rain, followed by the snow, followed by another round of rain and more snow. We were not sure what to expect after everything melted, given that every tree and shrub surrounding the vineyard lost every bit of foliage. Everything looked “dead”. We held our breath hoping to see some buds, but that time came and passed. Our largest vines started to bud in mid-April, which made us feel some relief, but for the rest of the vines - nothing.

Driving through the neighborhoods in our area, we see a lot of the trees that looked dead back in the Spring, full of life again, which makes us hopeful that come next spring, our vines that did not bud this season, will in fact, bud next season. In the meantime, we will still continue to give them lots of love and good care, and get them ready for another winter should this type of weather happen again.

Here’s to hoping that the upcoming seasons are better to our vines than the last one.



P.S. - If you want to read up on the historic winter weather event we had in February, check out the February 2021 Historical Winter Storm Event for South-Central Texas published by the National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio office.

Final thoughts on cold weather wines

It goes without saying that the weather here in Central Texas has been less than predictable. From t-shirts and flip flops weather to boots and parkas weather in less than 24-hours, it can be hard to bid farewell to the colder weather. While we still have some of it lingering, why not consider something new to compliment the colder weather?

If you are looking for a wine that pairs well with some of the more hearty wintertime dishes, consider picking up one of these wines to try the next time you are at the grocery store:

  • Malbec - This medium bodied red wine has grown in popularity in the last 10 years as it is an excellent alternative to some of the more high-priced Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah wines. With their dark fruit flavors and smoky finish, Malbec wines make an excellent pairing to hearty beef dishes. Recommended pairing: Coffee crusted beef tenderloin served with garlic and parmesan Duchess potatoes, and a Pear, candied pecan, and blue cheese salad

  • Cabernet Sauvignon - Known for its dark color and full-bodied taste with hints of vanilla, cassis, and dark fruits such as cherries, you will find that Cabernet Sauvignon has a dry, non-sweet finish which to compliment grilled meats or stews. Recommended pairing: Hearty Stove-Top Beef Stew

  • Oaked Chardonnay - With smooth, buttery, yet fruity taste, oaked Chardonnay tastes much different than different Chardonnay wines because of the aging process. Oaked Chardonnay is aged, as you can tell by the name, in oak barrels as where an unoaked Chardonnay is aged and fermented in steel barrels and has a more fruity, crisp, and bright finish. Recommended pairing: Baked Macaroni and Cheese

Wishing you an evening of comforting warmth and enjoyable sips.



What's new at Rock Estates Vineyard?

It is incredible to think about the many changes that have happened in the last two years. Since the initial launch of our digital home in 2017, we have added more grapes to the vineyard and have made a few changes to the support system in order to keep our grapes happy and healthy.

2019 is going to be busy, but we are so very excited about what is in store for us this season. In addition to the native pecan trees that have been growing in the area (and that have produced some amazing pecans), we will be adding fruit trees in the grove next to the vineyard after the last freeze of the season.

A sizable greenhouse is also in the construction phase. This greenhouse will allow us to start growing additional vines in a controlled climate so that we can ensure that what is planted going forward, is strong, healthy, and stable.

Be sure to check out our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/rockestatesvineyard, and our pages on both Twitter and Instagram.




If you are reading this, chances are, you have found us tucked away in a little corner of the vastness of the world wide web. So, with that, welcome to the online home of Rock Estates Vineyard.

Founded in 2013 on the Zimmerman family farm in the heart of downtown Round Rock, Texas, Rock Estates Vineyard produces local Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. With this being the 4th year of production, Rock Estates Vineyard is ready to make their crops available to other vineyard owners who are looking for a quality, locally-sourced crop to supplement their current crop for wine production. 

To find out more about Rock Estates Vineyard, be sure to visit the About Us page for more information. 


Director of Communications, Rock Estates Vineyard